Wednesday, May 9, 2012

4 Words for the Media... SHUT THE F$#% UP!

While I'm sure my title lacks tact and that it will probably have the Mothers of the church clutching their pearls, I'm tired of the media making irresponsible decisions on the information they should share. If you are unaware, this week the media revealed top-secret information in regards to the United State's recent acquisition of the latest and greatest in underwear bombs. The media not only reported that we had the bomb in our possession, they shared with the world how we were able to obtain it.

While the person who leaked this "top-secret" information should be held responsible, shouldn't media outlets have the moral responsibility to refuse to report information that could potentially put the safety of military personnel and ultimately citizens of the United States at risk? As a civilian do I really need to know the details of an intelligence operation? To be honest, as a tax-paying citizen, I do not care how we were able to stop the bomb from being detonated; I only care that it was not detonated and that their tactics did not harm innocent people in the process.

If there had not been inside intelligence, that bomb would have made it onto a plane and been detonated, killing a plane full of civilians. That was the plan for that bomb, but it was intercepted because military intelligence was able to infiltrate a terrorist cell. Now, it will be even more difficult to infiltrate. Now, the next time someone's son or daughter tries to infiltrate, it could cost them their lives. Now, the next time the new and improved bomb may make it's way to the target and be detonated...

I find it sad that my Mom, Uncle and/or little brother could have been placed in harm's way because someone wanted to break a story. While service men and woman willingly take the risk of signing up to fight for the country we live in, the media is willfully putting them at risk by sharing too much detail in regards to their operations. I'm glad my family members have served their time and left the military. I know the media sees everyday Joe Schmoe as having an insatiable need for all things news, but there are just some things I can do without. There should be some type of gag order for these types of situations... Freedom of speech should not be applicable. These are just my thoughts... Until next time, I'm off my soap box.